INP to the Rescue: How Websites Became Faster and More Fun to Use

The Need for Speed

Are you also frustrated with slow websites?

Introducing INP: Interaction to Next Paint


Behind the Scenes

INP measures the time from user interaction to visual feedback. It ensures websites respond quickly to clicks, taps, & keystrokes with instant confirmation that their actions are being processed.

Delightful User Experiences

- Fast websites provide immediate visual feedback. - Users see items added to carts, menus opening, and forms being authenticated. - INP makes browsing smooth and enjoyable.

The Power of INP

- INP replaces First Input Delay (FID) as a Core Web Vital. - It considers all interactions, not just the first one. - Websites strive for low INP values for excellent responsiveness.

How INP is Measured

- Field tools like PageSpeed Insights and Chrome User Experience Report capture INP. - Developers use JavaScript libraries like web-vitals to measure and improve INP.

A Fast & Fun Future

- Websites continue to prioritize speed and responsiveness. - INP drives innovation and enhances user experiences.